You Don’t Have To Figure This Out Yourself Anymore
Share best practices, stop reinventing the wheel and grow your business 3x faster than your competitors.*
What Makes Us So Different?
As a member of an ESE peer group, you will gain a competitive edge for your company. We call our peer groups ESE Groups, because they Educate, Stimulate, and Expand your company and your leadership. Greg’s unique skills as a trained facilitator, certified coach, and radical outside-the-box thinker will soon have you way ahead of your competition.
Meet some of our ESE Peer Group members and hear why they continue to find value in being a member of our peer groups.
“Standard Roofing Company has been a member of the Hayne Coaching Peer Group for approximately 4 years. During our tenure, we have been able to multiply our growth, capacity, efficiency, and profitability. The ideas, discussions, and peer assistance have been invaluable. Being able to bring our issues to the larger group for discussion and direction has allowed us to short-circuit much of the "trial and error" process normally prevalent for a standalone business. Specifically, your leadership, management of membership, agenda development, and facilitation have kept our group on track and on task and allowed us to be candid with each other. There is no doubt in my mind or my metrics that we are 5 years ahead of plan by being active members in our group. Thank you for being diligent and attentive to making our group continue to perform at the highest level.”
— Andrew Payne, CEO Standard Roofing Company.
“The money I have spent being a member of this peer group is the best money I have ever spent to make my business better!”
— Patrick Murrell, Structure Roof & Wall Solutions
In meetings, we share best practices and help you work on any specific challenges you are facing in your company. Sometimes members will have a “been there, done that, do it like this” solution ready to go. Sometimes a member will share an unexpected “best practice” that will really help you in an important way. You will leave meetings better equipped. Plus, we often bring in guest speakers on special topics that you won’t get access to anywhere else.
Beyond learning best practices and finding solutions to problems, you will be stimulated! You will be meeting with other members who will actually understand your problems, because most of them will have them too. You will find it refreshing and, well, stimulating to be around other professionals, just like you. The question isn't, "Will I get good ideas?" The groups bury you with new ideas. The real question is, "Which do I implement first?
What really makes ESE groups special in the long term is Greg’s contributions. In Greg’s words, “I believe there are better, smarter, more innovative ways to work and what gets me up in the morning and what undergirds everything I do is helping my clients find and implement these better, smarter approaches to running our businesses.”
Being part of a group that is committed to getting better, and sharing ideas on how to do so has been a game changer. When we joined our revenue was just under $4,000,000.00 per year. This year we expect to break $12,000,000.00 while improving our year-end net profit as well. —William Burkhardt, Kanga Roof
Discover the Peer Group Advantage
Facilitated Peer Groups, led by a trained expert, can grow your company at three times the growth rate of companies not participating in such a group. Facilitated Peer Groups bring a talented facilitator together with roofing-specific members to create an environment that is controlled and guided. The leader keeps the meetings on track and egos in check. He makes sure the questions that need to be asked gets asked, guiding members to solve old problems with new approaches. Your facilitator will do all the pre- and post-meeting organization in order to keep each meeting fresh, pertinent and stimulating, including the preparation of a composite financial statements. Coupled with optional monthly coaching sessions with a credentialed coach, your company will move forward faster and with sustainability.

“One of the reasons I keep coming back to the peer group is that it is a dedicated time for me to work on the business instead of in the business. As a small business owner, the discipline to work on the business can be a challenge at times. During this dedicated time, I am surrounded by others who are doing the same thing, which can challenge my way of thinking and broaden my knowledge. I always leave the meetings feeling inspired and excited to implement improvements at my company.”
— Tori Hagen, Top All Roofing, Inc.
Here’s How It Works
ESE Group meetings help you get laser focused. The monthly coaching calls help you stay on track.